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GDPR Compliance - Are you ready?

EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR

What we offer

Be aware of the new controls published by the EU for 2018. The regulation applies directly in the countries of the European Union, and as far as personal data of EU citizens are concerned also beyond (third countries). Companies must comply with stricter rules for the protection of personal data.

Organizations need to be aware of the changes, as violations of the GDPR are subject to severe penalties. To comply with GDPR, companies need to launch a program that covers the entire data privacy risk and control cycle.

This new regulation, effective as from May 2018, will have impact on any company that collects or processes data on European Union citizens.

Statusgreen supports your company to become and remain GDPR compliant. We have designed a comprehensive suite of services and tools, enabling a swift, secure and cost effective GDPR-readiness.

We are helping our clients to assess GDPR risks and define measures to become compliant. Our consultants, our methodology and tools ensure an effective and efficient process resulting in a full GDPR Assessment Report

To adapt supplier contracts to the new regulation specific functionality has been included in our contract management solution.

GDPR Lifecycle Management

For the implementation phase with data processors we have included specific functionality in our Contract Management Solution to easily update contracts with your new policies, guidelines and instructions.

We also provide assistance in other areas such as:
- Review existing global privacy policies and procedures (Consent, notice, access, transfers, and breach management)
- Classification of the company’s data
- Data mapping for key processing activities across jurisdictions and markets.

We support preparation and planning of privacy audits.

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About Us

Who is Statusgreen?

Statusgreen is a German technology company founded in 2003 specialized in the development of enterprise management solutions.

Within this environment the company develops high-level solutions for management of mid-sized and large businesses, in particular for companies active on an international level. The aim is to provide management with high-level information from all areas of the business, thus allowing management-level decisions to be made on the basis of a solid foundation, particularly when it comes to IT governance.

Statusgreen solutions are focused on large companies as well as mid-sized com-panies active on an international level or with several locations. One particular use involves temporally limited alliances between companies that require IT management involving joint governance. Statusgreen Enterprise Solutions is not a rigid solution but a framework that can be individually adapted to meet all kinds of customer requirements. So far we have implemented Statusgreen Enterprise Solutions in companies with 1,000 end-users or more.

Tool Suite Digital Vendor Management

Our Open3.0 Solutions contains the following modules which can either be installed separately or linked to one another. With all modules you will achieve complete compliancy and get a great overview of your company’s overall performance.

What does Statusgreen offer?

Statusgreen offers enterprise solutions that provide a versatile framework that can be used in a whole range of tasks and projects. To this end, Statusgreen develops slim and efficient solutions that can be swiftly adapted to meet the customer’s specific needs.

Data is collected via ETL from any kind of data source or directly by staff in a bottom-up approach and then processed by the tool before being inserted into dashboards and reports that give management a clear overview.

The Contract Management Solution as a key function provides an online Editor for collaboration on documents in real time, D&O extraction and tracking is fully supported and the Contract Change process guides the user from the request to the signed version. Each module is interoperable to ensure that changes will be notify the user if he is affected.


Tool Architecture For Digital Vendor Management

Open3.0 is a secure web-based platform solution, also available on mobile devices

It supports global companies to coordinate people, processes and collaboration
The setup is easy. It covers standard DVM processes & collaboration support and is highly customizable
It supports most of the standard interfaces to other toolsets
It enables Digital Vendor Management Services support for all modules


    • Digital Contract Management

      Module Description

      The Contract Management Package provides processes, tools and administrative assistance to manage the complex interplay of deliverables, obligations, changes and interpretations modern contracts are consisting of in a transparent and comprehensive way.

      It includes access to a document management system to store Contract versions and enable access to the current version of the documents at any point in time. Contract Documents can be written and edited in a multifunctional document editor. Contract deliverables and obligations (D&Os) are identified and extracted directly out of the document text, as well as Contract Changes and Interpretations.

      D&Os are tracked in order to ensure that that client and provider are held to the terms of the agreements. Contract Changes are recorded and Contract issues are tracked to resolution or dispute.

      Module Components

      • Contract Library
      • Contract Metadata Database
      • Contract Interpretation Tracker
      • Deliverables & Obligations Tracker
      • Contract Issue & Dispute Tracker
      • Contract Change Tracker
      • Contract Creator
      • Contract Templates Library
      • Best Practice Clause Library
      • Contract Q&A Database

      Involved Roles

      • [Client] Contract Owner
      • [Client] Contract Manager
      • [Client] Service Owner
      • [Service Provider] Contract Owner[Service Provider] Contract Manager
      • [Service Provider] Service Responsible

      Key Performance Indicators

      • Share of D&Os delivered on time
      • Average Contract Change cycle time
      • Share of critical milestones/deliverables missed
      • Contract Interpretation Average Response Time
      • Contract Issue resolution time


      Multi Provider Contract Management

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